The home as a node

Digitalization and connected individualism made that mobility and relocation allow us to access our jobs, group of friends, bank operations, entertainment and recreation from any place.   


Coming back home as a node of operations implies generating the conditions in order to do so. Inequalities make the idea of home different for each person. It can be a shelter but it can also be harmful due to the lack of space or the toxic relationships that are generated.


The first trend of baking and preparing food not only has to do with leisure but with the need to “create a home” from fire and primary activities that mean shelter and safety. 


After the pandemic has passed and the boredom of the final phase of lockdown has been overcome, this stage can be reassessed in a nostalgic way by sentimental marketing. 


On the other hand, preparing our homes as a place of study, of work and of well-being implies extending  goods and services focused on the node. Less travel and more content platforms. Better sofas, home automation, home insurance, internet of things, even thinking about moving to a new residence away from the city and from small places, which sacrificed space in exchange for spaces for socialization with shopping and recreation areas.