Gender inequality

The empowerment discourse of many women was overshadowed by reality: in many traditional homes, despite the fact that both worked, the work of the father was given priority to that of the mother. Women ended up bearing the brunt of the household, the domestic chores and the education of the children with the added difficulties of lockdown.


March was a powerful month for women: the digital campaign #undíasinmujeres (one day without women) the marches, protests and the general atmosphere created a gender discourse that was overshadowed by the reality of the pandemic and other prerogatives that put these small, daily conquests of women aside. 


The atavistic association of women – home, once again put the issue of mental burden back on the table. In the labor field it was shown that Home Office is not a scheme that favors women in terms of upbringing under the exceptional situation.


Most of those women who held positions of responsibility and who had access to better salaries (and, therefore, could hire a domestic worker) became more aware of the importance of the distribution of tasks, the procurement of care and domestic self-sufficiency.