The illusion of the Home Office

Before the state of emergency, Home Office was considered a kind of reward or an effort. Especially with women, it was part of a false work-life balance.


Some companies were reluctant to work from home but they have finally discovered benefits in terms of cost and traveling savings. It would be important to reconsider that, if these schemes will cover expenses made by employees, such as water, electricity, computers, supplies and others.


Doing Home Office in times of pandemic has been very consuming, since the usual resting periods in the office are replaced with attention to domestic issues or supervision of children. There is also no gap between time destined for the family/personal life and time destined for work.


On the other hand, advantages such as time saving, the ecological benefits, processes optimization and simplification of schemes would have to fit right in with the technological skills of the people involved.


The key will be a balance between benefits for the company and benefits for the worker. It won’t be as important that a work place offers this possibility as the conditions under which the job is developed. Nevertheless, it has been a forced drill for the work centers that were beginning to consider this scenario.